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Prepare Your Home for Hurricanes with 5 Wind Mitigation Tips

As we prepare to enter hurricane season, the increasing frequency and intensity of hurricanes are a growing concern for homeowners. In regions like North Carolina and South Carolina, implementing wind protection strategies is essential not only for protecting your property but also for ensuring the safety of your family. In this article, we’ll look over practical tips for understanding and enhancing your home’s resilience against the potentially devastating impact of hurricanes.

Wind Mitigation Basics

Wind mitigation involves measures designed to reduce damage caused by intense wind events. For homeowners in hurricane-prone areas, taking proactive steps through wind reduction isn’t just protecting your property; it protects your investment and ensures a secure environment. 

By fortifying your home against hurricanes, you can reduce the risk of costly damages, which in turn can lower your home insurance premiums. Insurers will recognize the reduced risk in protected homes, and this can be reflected in your insurance costs.

5 Wind Mitigation Tips for Your Home

Secure the Roof

The roof is your home’s first line of defense against a hurricane. A well-secured roof deflects high winds and prevents them from causing structural damage to the rest of your home. When your roof is compromised, it can lead to water damage that will weaken the internal structure of your house and create hazardous mold growth. 

Techniques such as installing hurricane straps or clips can dramatically increase your roof’s stability. Additional benefits are possible through the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) and North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association (NCIUA)’s “Strengthen Your Roof” initiative. 

This program offers grants to eligible policyholders in beach communities to protect their homes against hurricanes. According to the NCIUA, “Eligible policyholders can apply for a grant of up to $8,000 toward the installation of an IBHS FORTIFIED Roof.”

Invest in Hurricane Shutters

Windows and glass doors are vulnerable points in your home during hurricanes. Installing hurricane shutters protects these areas from flying debris. Whether you opt for roll-down shutters, which provide a convenient way to secure your home with the push of a button, or accordion-style shutters, which are cost-effective and deploy manually, each type has its advantages depending on your specific needs and budget. 

By protecting these openings, shutters help prevent sudden pressure changes inside your home that can cause stress to the integrity of your property.

Strengthen Doors and Garage Doors

Impact-resistant doors are useful for maintaining the integrity of your home in a hurricane. Garage doors are typically the largest opening in a home and, if not secured, can be one of the weakest points during a hurricane. To fortify your garage door, consider a bracing system. 

These kits commonly involve the addition of horizontal and vertical braces onto the door and anchoring the door to the walls and floors, which will  assist its wind resistance.

Trim Trees and Secure Loose Objects

Proactive landscape maintenance, like trimming trees, securing loose objects and cleaning gutters can significantly reduce the risk of property damage. Trimming trees reduces the likelihood of limbs breaking off during high winds and makes trees less likely to collapse onto roadways or powerlines. It’s recommended to anchor loose objects to the ground or by securing items in a garage or shed to prevent flying debris. 

Improve Home Sealing

Preventing water ingress is paramount during hurricanes. Sealing gaps around doors, windows, and other openings helps keep water out and reduces potential water damage. This sealing is not only critical during the storm but also helps in maintaining the overall health of your home’s structure by preventing mold and decay.

Wind Mitigation Inspection

A wind mitigation inspection can provide a comprehensive analysis of your home’s readiness to face hurricanes. Roof shape, construction materials, and the security of windows and doors are all extensively examined. These inspections can lead to insurance discounts or credits, rewarding proactive action. Inspections also enable you to make informed decisions to invest in the safety, integrity and value of your property.

Preparing for the Unpredictable With Cavik Insurance

Having an emergency plan and kit ready is indispensable. Stay updated with local weather forecasts and follow evacuation orders when issued. Being prepared can make a significant difference in safety and damage control. Protecting your home in North Carolina and South Carolina from hurricane damage is more manageable when you implement effective wind mitigation measures. 

Homes with such features can see a drastic reduction in damage costs during a hurricane. Here at Cavik Insurance, we strive to assist you in safeguarding your home and exploring insurance options that reward your efforts in preparing for the worst. Don’t wait until hurricane season is upon us; reach out to us today for peace of mind through preparedness. Before Havoc, Call Cavik!

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